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Car Covers Now!

Well here it is, the first of April and the weather is changing. Now is the time to think about purchasing a car cover and to start protecting your vehicle from the spring weather. After the winter months are gone comes the rainy season. It's nice not having to scrape the windows and clear the snow off your vehicle. At this time of year the one thing that is different is now there actually is more moisture than the winter. Why, because in the winter the moisture is frozen and there is less water to contend with therefore your car cover isn't as wet where as in the spring the vehicle covers are wet and stay that way until the sun can dry them out. The same car covers you use in the winter may not hold up as well to the wetness if they have been around for a few years. The seams may begin to leak and if the cover is quite old you may find that the waterproofing isn't working as well.If you have been using your car cover this winter you may want to take a close look at it to see how well it's holding up. Check the seams to see if they are frayed or coming apart. One way to check you cover to see how well it is protecting your vehicle is to put the cover on and take your garden hose and spray it like it was raining and see if any water is passing through the cover onto your vehicle or after you place the cover on your vehicle check all the seams for problems.
Now is a good time to check and replace your cover if it needs it. Soon the rains will be here and you will be ready for them. Nothing can cause more damage to your vehicle than rusting and blisters on your the finish. So, don't wait till the storms are here, an ounce of prevention is worth not needing a new paint job.
So far we have talked about the winter conditions of the Northern and Eastern part of the country. There are also the Southern and Western portions of the country to think about. The Northwest does get the winter conditions like the Eastern part of the US but they also get a lot of ice and rain during the winter months where the Southern part of the US gets rain and sun, and lot's of it. So even if you are in the Southern part of this country you also should be checking your vehicle covers to see how they have held up this winter because the sun is going to be hotter and the rain will be more intense. Time to put the cover on and stop to to check it out for weak spots or seams that are showing wear and tear. If you see any of the things I have talked about your should think about replacing your car cover before you vehicle suffers damage from the sun and rain. One thing is if your cover seams are coming apart check your warranty to see if you are still covered, seams are one of the covered items in your warranty, so you should contact your supplier and get the cover replaced.
I always check my vehicle covers every season to make sure they are doing what I bought them for and that is to protect my investment. With the economy today the cost of replacing your vehicle is not the best thing. What you have invested in your vehicle you want to preserve until you will either trade it in or sell it outright. And to get the best return you should try your best to protect your investment. Covering your vehicles is just one good way to keep it's value.

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