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Goodyear Tires - A Glorious History

For Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, a world-wide rubber and tire maker, the number 13 was very good luck. In the year Eighteen Hundred and Ninety Eight (1898), Frank Seiberling who was a U.S. inventor, formed the company Bicycle tires, carriage tires, horseshoe pads and poker chips were the original products for the cutting edge company and all of the thirteen hardworking original employees contributed greatly to the production process which took place in their beloved Akron, Ohio production plant.
The famous creator of vulcanized rubber in 1839 was Charles Goodyear, however he was not ever associated with the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company or anyone who worked there. In consideration of the advancements which he made to the automobile and rubber industry, it was disclosed that the firm Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company was named to honor Mr. Charles Goodyear by Mr. Seiberling, the founder and principal owner.
Ford Motor Company was heavily involved in the upstart auto racing sport and they approached Mr. Seiberling to provide the tires needed for the race cars and this is when the big break came for the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company supplied the tires for Ford's Model T car, which was Henry Ford's remarkable new vehicle that he envisioned as the car for the masses. History provides us with the interesting story that was to come. They became a leading international organization in 1909, when Goodyear Tire and Rubber started building tires for airplanes.
By nineteen hundred and twenty six, Goodyear Tire and Rubber was clearly the largest tire manufacturer in the world. At that time, the racing tires which Goodyear had produced created its fame and the reason that most people knew Goodyear was for Goodyear Tires. Having achieved a high profile recognition due to the renown and popularity of the Goodyear tires, the company rose to a new level of growth and production.
Diversifying into a number of other areas of business, the fact that Goodyear had become a multinational corporation enabled them to successfully be able expand. A nuclear processing plant was opened in Ohio in 1956 as one of the diverse areas that Goodyear expanded into. The space shuttle and other aircraft were designed and manufactured by the Goodyear Aerospace Corporation, which had came out of an earlier organization in the 1970's called the Goodyear Aircraft Company. At this time Goodyear developed a design and research technical facility at the location of their original Akron plant, on which they had spent a great deal of money converting this plant from tire manufacturer to Aerospace issues.
The Goodyear Company has made many discoveries, innovations and victories throughout the ensuing years. Having diversified into a number of fields that were both important and financially rewarding, this global firm has become an international conglomerate.
Third only to global leaders Bridgestone and Michelein, Goodyear is one of the largest makers of tires. People normally have Goodyear on their minds when they need tires for their cars because of the amazing history for which the company has been responsible.

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How to Be Courteous on the Road

Patience, tolerance and courtesy are attitudes that help maintain cordial relations on the road and keep sources of tension and irritation to a minimum. They make it possible to avoid conflicts among the different road users.
To avoid finding one self in stressful situations that lead to impatience on the road, follow these tips:
• Avoid driving in a state of fatigue or tension;
• Leave early;
• Take roads with less traffic;
• Listen to relaxing music or a funny recording;
• Avoid tense conversations with passengers;
• Avoid rush hour;
• Drive in the right-hand lane, except to pass;
• Remember that false movements on the part of other road users are not always conscious or voluntary;
• Accept the pace of other drivers;
• Always cooperate with other drivers;
• Act by protecting less experienced drivers.
Be courteous, it's contagious!
To concentrate on your driving, you must:
• Learn from past experience, rather than repeating the same mistakes. You can thereby adjust your driving;
• Be tolerant and patient. At one time or another, it can happen that drivers make an involuntary mistake;
• Above all, think of your safety and that of others.
• A preventive attitude like that will help you regain your calm.
• Avoid driving when you are experiencing very strong emotions. For instance, when you have major worries or when you are feeling angry, sad or depressed.
Impatient drivers frequently follow too closely or honk their horn impatiently. Such behavior creates a climate of tension and stress on the road. If you are a victim of such behavior, you could make errors. For instance, you could make sudden moves and cause an accident.
You should definitely not yield to such forms of pressure. Evaluate the risk yourself and make the safest move. lf a driver pressures you, pull over to the right and let that person pass, if it is possible and safe to do so.
Always be attentive to what is happening in your surroundings and the impact of your behavior on others.
Certain types of behavior can frustrate other road users:
• Talking on a cell phone while driving can distract other drivers from their surroundings;
• Driving too slowly in the left lane can cause other drivers to want to pass you on the right or to zigzag;
• Driving more slowly than others on a narrow winding road may make users behind you impatient and cause them to make dangerous maneuvers.
Other pressures can also come from friends, family and peers, i.e. other drivers in your age group. Certain persons are more sensitive and even vulnerable to the influence of others. Young drivers with little experience are more likely to be influenced by such pressure. The influence of friends and peers is often stronger than that of family.
Peer pressure can be positive or negative. For instance, positive pressure would be if a person encourages you to adopt safe driving behavior. Negative pressure would be if a person incites you to make an inappropriate or dangerous maneuver. You must be able to resist negative pressure.
Identify the problem: ask yourself if what is being proposed to you is a problem. If so, to what degree? Is it a driving technique that you have not mastered? ls it an unsafe behavior? Identify possible options: are there other options? Is it possible to make a safe compromise? Using humor can be a way to choose another option or negotiate a compromise. Evaluate the consequences: is it better to lose control of one's vehicle and risk causing an accident or accept being teased by a passenger?
Act: choose the option that ensures your safety and that of other road users. Drive with groups of friends that respect your driving abilities.
Driving can be a different experience for different people. For some:
• The vehicle becomes a second home;
• They feel insulated and protected by the vehicle; they feel invincible;
• Driving is like a game of rivalry, competition and challenge where risk becomes part of the game;
• Driving is a source of pleasure through the sensations it brings: the impression of dominating a machine or of surpassing oneself, with risk also involved.
You should know what kind of driver you are and understand that other drivers do not necessarily sec things the same way as you do. You are the one that needs to adjust. The main irritants gathered on the subject of driving concern the breaking of traffic rules.
They include:
• Following another vehicle too closely (tailgating) or with insistence;
• Not yielding the right-of-way or demanding it;
• Often changing lanes;
• Not signaling one's intention;
• Passing on the right or on the shoulder;
• Zigzagging between vehicles;
• Double parking:
• Driving with high-beams and blinding other drivers;
• Honking the horn in an abusive manner;
• Making unpleasant or aggressive gestures.
Drivers must obey traffic rules, signals and right-of-ways, so as not to jeopardize their safety or that of other road users. They should also avoid committing violations that carry lines. Respectful behavior should be shown to other road users at all times.
lf you encounter an aggressive driver behavior:
• Remain calm;
• Avoid making eye contact with aggressive drivers so as not to increase their aggressiveness;
• Avoid reacting t0 provocative words or gestures;
• Take the best method to avoid conflict.
lf necessary, yield the right-of-way. If an aggressive person leaves the vehicle and comes toward you:
• Remain in your vehicle, making sure the windows are closed and the doors locked;
• Avoid discussion with the aggressive driver;
• Do not look at the person or make any provocative gestures;
• Leave the scene and head to a place where you can get assistance;
• Do not go home if an aggressive driver is following you. Always avoid aggressive behavior toward other road users.
You must ensure that your passengers are safe.
• Refuse to drive until all passengers have fastened their seat belts;
• Establish safety rules with the children before leaving and ensure these are obeyed;
• Never allow a passenger to stick arms, hands, head or any object outside a lowered window or a sunroof;
• Warn passengers that you will not be talking a lot while driving so you can concentrate.
Certain drivers feel the need to show off behind the wheel and take risks that worry passengers or even make them feel ill-at-ease. You must be attentive to your passengers and ensure their well-being.
You must question yourself and adjust your driving if a passenger:
• Expresses fear because you are going too fast;
• Requests that you slow down;
• Offers to drive:
• Holds the door handle:
• Asks to leave the vehicle.
Adjusting your driving to your passenger's well-being and sense of safety shows you have judgment. 

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New Cars Buy, Get Best Team Support

Since, when have you been planning to have a look at new cars to buy one? Didn't you decide to overlook to sell your used car if you had a good deal coming your way to buy a new car? Weren't you looking to get your preferred new brand car? How about all the cost saving from fuel efficiency of the new car you were planning to achieve?

Choosing a new car deal whether a new sedan or SUV is a difficult task if you want a preferred brand. You value its improved efficient services and advantages. Your preferred consideration seldom allows you to settle for less than what you want about your new car. Markets seldom work on sentiments attached by the buyer and are ruled by functional utility value of prided brand new cars.

The seller wants to provide the best value to new car buyers. They want to maximize marginal utility value of the new car. Most buyers of new cars have a preferred brand which they want to settle for, and the mix of added value they expect to get from their buy. For example, fuel efficiency, interior comfort, functional utility and performance hold high for most buyers who want a new car. Another set of considerations that holds light for new car buyers is the exterior design and value of
easy long-term upkeep of the car.

In most of the buying and selling decisions done, the decision between the buying and the next could have sold or bought is on a scale of 1-5. Making choices on buying new brand cars are challenging and at times the decision taken could your run you into a new risk. But decisions taken with inherent risk are taken the best if the decision it is taken based on a well-informed premises.

With more car sellers and buyers getting on the internet, dealers for new cars are finding it easier to advertise new and preferred brand cars on for shoppers. The 24 x 7 access helps them to be at the disposal of buyers online. Moreover online buyers also prefer the net to understand and to decide on their buys. Multiple sources of information ensures authentication of the required information.

Whether, you are a private owner who wants to buy a new preferred brand car or a dealer who wants to advertise the arrival and availability of the latest innovative product in the market to buyers of new cars, an online cars buy/sell portal works in favour of the customer and seller. Most informed buyers are logging online to buy new cars and sign deals for their preferred brand car needs.

Most online cars buy/sell portals provide you beyond what you just need to buy a new car. Price is not one of the considerations. The portals provide technical and
financial support in helping buyers of new cars take a decision. You can ask questions pertinent to performance of new cars and get answered, or get comfortably

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Used MINI - Getting a Car You Have Always Wanted

Trying to find the perfect car that suits your personality and your needs can be a long process if you don't know what you're looking for. There are some that prefer new cars, but you can get a great quality used car for a lot less cost. Looking into buying a Used Mini just might be the solution for you. You can find one at a great price that matches all your specific wants and needs. The process doesn't have to be long and complicated. You can have it all so you can get the car of your dreams.
If you are looking for a good used car, you have to make sure you go to the right place. Seek out a dealership that deals frequently with previously owned cars such as a used mini if that is what you want. You also need to make sure you can trust the people working there who will be handling your sale. Don't be afraid to get to know them and ask plenty of questions. You shouldn't take purchasing a vehicle too lightly. It is a major decision that costs quite a bit of money so you should be as informed as you possibly can.

After you have decided that buying a used mini is the car you want to go with, start thinking about the other aspects of the car you want. You need to think about what kind of interior you want. Some dealerships deal specifically with minis and can offer a wide variety of cars with different interiors. After thinking about the interior, think about what color you want to have. Choosing the colour of your car says a lot about who you are, so you want to make sure you make the choice that fits your personality the best.

If you can't find the right combinations you want, talk to the dealership to see if they can locate one with your specifications. If it is a good sized dealership, it should be able to find a used mini that matches everything you want in it. Something to go along with this is making sure you don't buy a used car with too many miles on it already. However, dealerships that deal with used cars a lot will often times have their mechanics look at the cars to make sure they're sound before they even put them up for sale. That way, you know you will be getting a trustworthy car.

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Auto Repair: Imperative to Ensure a Safe Drive

Taking care of your cars and getting them repaired even for the minutest damage not only increases the efficiency of your cars but also ensures a safe drive. Think of a situation when you have been driving smoothly with your spouse along the country roads to enjoy a happening weekend when suddenly in the middle of the road weird sounds starts coming from your car and after a while it halts and refuses to budge further. All the excitement of the drive is instantly washed over and you feel utterly frustrated. The time which you have planned to spend enjoying and delighting in the feel of the crystal clear air and the company while you drive is all ruined because of a malfunction in your car.

Therefore, it's imperative to get your car repaired and checked from time to time in order to avoid such uncalled for situations. A simple fault in your car can have fatal consequences if ignored. For instance, a small fault in your brake which you believe as minor and needs no repair can result in an accident which can not only cause you physical and psychological damages but can immensely increase the renovation charges of your esteemed vehicles.

Taking the assistance of a reputed domestic auto repair company can prove to be your savior from the detrimental results and with their professional and skilled staff they can renovate your car so that they appear as good as new. Their rigorously trained staffs are well versed in tackling all major and minor repairs and they can easily detect the faults even if it's hidden which can later on cause difficulties.

If you are an auto lover and own different assortments of vehicles which includes cars from foreign land there are times when you are faced with the situations when your esteemed vehicle is damaged due to a mishap or small accident but you are unable to find a suitable auto repair company. Always remember that your vehicles are sensitive items which require skilled and professional care and should not be left to the hands of an unprofessional that is not well versed in handling them.

It's imperative to contact an auto repair company who have an impeccable reputation in foreign auto repair and which can dexterously repair your car and reinstall its vigor and charm. So, the next time when you plan on going for a long drive, always check your car and if discover any fault instantly take it to a reputed auto repair company.
Auto Repair: Imperative to Ensure a Safe Drive

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New Cars Buy, Get Best Team Support

Since, when have you been planning to have a look at new cars to buy one? Didn't you decide to overlook to sell your used car if you had a good deal coming your way to buy a new car? Weren't you looking to get your preferred new brand car? How about all the cost saving from fuel efficiency of the new car you were planning to achieve?

Choosing a new car deal whether a new sedan or SUV is a difficult task if you want a preferred brand. You value its improved efficient services and advantages. Your preferred consideration seldom allows you to settle for less than what you want about your new car. Markets seldom work on sentiments attached by the buyer and are ruled by functional utility value of prided brand new cars.

The seller wants to provide the best value to new car buyers. They want to maximize marginal utility value of the new car. Most buyers of new cars have a preferred brand which they want to settle for, and the mix of added value they expect to get from their buy. For example, fuel efficiency, interior comfort, functional utility and performance hold high for most buyers who want a new car. Another set of considerations that holds light for new car buyers is the exterior design and value of
easy long-term upkeep of the car.

In most of the buying and selling decisions done, the decision between the buying and the next could have sold or bought is on a scale of 1-5. Making choices on buying new brand cars are challenging and at times the decision taken could your run you into a new risk. But decisions taken with inherent risk are taken the best if the decision it is taken based on a well-informed premises.

With more car sellers and buyers getting on the internet, dealers for new cars are finding it easier to advertise new and preferred brand cars on for shoppers. The 24 x 7 access helps them to be at the disposal of buyers online. Moreover online buyers also prefer the net to understand and to decide on their buys. Multiple sources of information ensures authentication of the required information.

Whether, you are a private owner who wants to buy a new preferred brand car or a dealer who wants to advertise the arrival and availability of the latest innovative product in the market to buyers of new cars, an online cars buy/sell portal works in favour of the customer and seller. Most informed buyers are logging online to buy new cars and sign deals for their preferred brand car needs.

Most online cars buy/sell portals provide you beyond what you just need to buy a new car. Price is not one of the considerations. The portals provide technical and
financial support in helping buyers of new cars take a decision. You can ask questions pertinent to performance of new cars and get answered, or get comfortably
New Cars Buy, Get Best Team Support

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Why Are OEM Wheels So Important?

Do you want your car's performance to be top of the line? Would you like full control of your car? Of course you do, which is why you need Original Alloy Rims. Of course the engine is a HUGE part of the well-being of your car, but so are your Factory Wheels. Who would've thought, huh? I always thought they just came with the car & there; but apparently they contribute to so much more than people think.
Okay; so before Alloy wheels came along, there were Steel Wheels that came on cars which made the car have unnecessary weight and pretty much slowed the car down. There are still some Steel Rims today that tend to slow the car down, but it's pretty much just a power to weight ratio if you compare it to a vehicle that has regular Factory Alloy Rims.
The rims that you see on today's cars are more aerodynamic and tend to be lighter so that the vehicle can function to its full potential. They are the typical option for the automotive market today considering they improve mileage and disperse of heat faster than regular steel rims.
When a driver upgrades their rim a size or two, not only does it make the car look extremely nice; but it also upgrades the production of the vehicle that they are driving. The term is considered to be "Plus Sizing", which pretty much makes sense. Plus Sizing is something that benefits the driver & the Factory Wheel-it gives the driver better control of the car when he or she is steering; especially when they approach tight or small corners. Let us take an example; shall we? Say you want to get Infiniti Q45 Wheels -the Chrome ones-those are 18" x 17.5". All custom Alloy OEM Rims, including chrome, all consist of magnesium that happen to be x-rayed and put over heat so that way, they have a better look and are subject to be more resistant to accidents or cracks that may happen while you are diving carefully.

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Car Covers Now!

Well here it is, the first of April and the weather is changing. Now is the time to think about purchasing a car cover and to start protecting your vehicle from the spring weather. After the winter months are gone comes the rainy season. It's nice not having to scrape the windows and clear the snow off your vehicle. At this time of year the one thing that is different is now there actually is more moisture than the winter. Why, because in the winter the moisture is frozen and there is less water to contend with therefore your car cover isn't as wet where as in the spring the vehicle covers are wet and stay that way until the sun can dry them out. The same car covers you use in the winter may not hold up as well to the wetness if they have been around for a few years. The seams may begin to leak and if the cover is quite old you may find that the waterproofing isn't working as well.If you have been using your car cover this winter you may want to take a close look at it to see how well it's holding up. Check the seams to see if they are frayed or coming apart. One way to check you cover to see how well it is protecting your vehicle is to put the cover on and take your garden hose and spray it like it was raining and see if any water is passing through the cover onto your vehicle or after you place the cover on your vehicle check all the seams for problems.
Now is a good time to check and replace your cover if it needs it. Soon the rains will be here and you will be ready for them. Nothing can cause more damage to your vehicle than rusting and blisters on your the finish. So, don't wait till the storms are here, an ounce of prevention is worth not needing a new paint job.
So far we have talked about the winter conditions of the Northern and Eastern part of the country. There are also the Southern and Western portions of the country to think about. The Northwest does get the winter conditions like the Eastern part of the US but they also get a lot of ice and rain during the winter months where the Southern part of the US gets rain and sun, and lot's of it. So even if you are in the Southern part of this country you also should be checking your vehicle covers to see how they have held up this winter because the sun is going to be hotter and the rain will be more intense. Time to put the cover on and stop to to check it out for weak spots or seams that are showing wear and tear. If you see any of the things I have talked about your should think about replacing your car cover before you vehicle suffers damage from the sun and rain. One thing is if your cover seams are coming apart check your warranty to see if you are still covered, seams are one of the covered items in your warranty, so you should contact your supplier and get the cover replaced.
I always check my vehicle covers every season to make sure they are doing what I bought them for and that is to protect my investment. With the economy today the cost of replacing your vehicle is not the best thing. What you have invested in your vehicle you want to preserve until you will either trade it in or sell it outright. And to get the best return you should try your best to protect your investment. Covering your vehicles is just one good way to keep it's value.

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Cars - Find the Perfect Pre-Owned Car - Take This Quiz First!

Here's the quiz:
1. Which features is a must for you to have in a vehicle?
a. Trendy
b. Low gas emissions
c. Performance
d. Spacious
e. Affordable
f. Tough.
2. How often do you make calls on your cell phone in your vehicle?
a. I'm always talking with someone throughout the day.
b. I use my hands-free phone while driving only for important calls.
c. Never. It is too dangerous to use a cell phone while you drive.
d. I only use my cell phone for emergencies.
3. You consider driving a car:
a. a great experience, but only if you like the car itself
b. a fun way to alleviate stress
c. a chore
d. a real necessity.
4. Where do you usually drive?
a. only to work, maybe restaurants once in awhile and to the mall
b. far away places, I enjoy long drives
c. to many different places throughout the week
d. only to church each Sunday.
5. Some cars appear more feminine than others. Which do you prefer?
a. I'm a man's man. Nothing feminine for me please.
b. I'm a girl. I love to be feminine.
c. I'm a guy. I wouldn't matter if my car was a bit feminine
d. I'm a girl,. I like a tough car.
6. When you see a yellow light what do you do?
a. Hit the brakes fast since I didn't see the light.
b.. I usually coast in the neutral setting. It saves me gas.
c. I usually drive right through a yellow light.
d. I immediately put my foot on the brake and slow down.
7. Who are you usual passengers?
a. My girlfriends
b. My boyfriend.
c. Only me and my pet
d. My family, husband and kids
8. Do you listen to music? If so, what kind?
a. Pop
b. Jazz
c. Hip hop
d. Disney
e. Rock
f. Country
Now take this quiz along with your answers to a good quality car dealership. It will help your sales rep realize the type of car that would fit your personality and lifestyle.
There is a reputable dealership in York, PA called Giambalovo. They are accustomed to matching up people with a car that suits the individual. Google: Hyundai York, hyundai sonata york pa, hyundai elantra york pa, hyundai santa fe york pa, etc. Here's their actual site too if you are interested: visit:
Jenn Stevens

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