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Safety at Night

If you own a driver's license, then there is a good chance that you will find yourself doing quite a bit of night driving at some point in your life. For many people who are new to the wonderful world of driving, this most often occurs when you go away to college. For example, when I was in college, I had to get used to the idea of taking several night classes- especially once graduate school hit. I wasn't thrilled at the idea of spending some of my nights in class, but I had no other choice if I wanted to graduate on time. That being said, depending on where my class was, I would sometimes have to decide between walking or driving.
Whether you are walking to a destination at night or driving, both can be equally dangerous for slightly different reasons. For example, if you are driving somewhere at night, you have to look out for other pedestrians who may not be quite as visible until the last minute. The same can be said of wild animals as you don't want to hit anything. However, the most dangerous part of driving at night occurs when you are getting into or getting out of your vehicle. Especially if you are a female, you need to be extra careful before you exit your car. When you are looking for a place to park your car, don't just grab any parking space. Rather, park in a place that is well lit and where there are plenty of other cars. When I was taking one night class, the class was during the summer. Therefore, when I would park my car, it was still light out; however, by the time I got out of class, it was extremely dark and desolate. This meant that I needed to adjust my parking situation. I would get to class as early as I could so that I could find the closest parking space to the building. I also made sure that I parked under or near a lamp post. When I would exit the building after class was over, all of my belongings were contained inside of my bag except for my cell phone and car keys. On my car key chain, I had a little flashlight that I would occasionally use to provide more illumination so that I could see better.
When taking a safety class in college, they had taught us about the dangers of women walking to their cars not knowing that someone was hiding underneath or near their cars. Therefore, they taught us that we should always do a quick sweep of the area around our vehicle to make sure that there was no one there. Once inside your car, before you even start the engine, make sure that your doors are locked. Do not talk on your cell phone or temporarily halt your conversation until you are safely inside of your car- this way you can focus on anything unusual. Following these few bits of advice might just save your life one day as it already has for so many people..

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